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"360º Ciência Descoberta"

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2013

Exhibit "Dos Céus ao Universo"

Exhibit "Dos Céus ao Universo"

Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2013

Exhibit "Asterix 50 anos"

Festival Internacional de Banda Desenhada da Amadora, 2009

My other Vitae

I have often had the opportunity to work in Museums and Exhibitions, from diverse perspectives:

{2019-} Invited Curator of the Historical Collection of Models and the Historical Collection of Didactical Posters, MUHNAC Museu Nacional de História Natural e de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa. 


{2013} I was part of the Education team at the "360º Ciência Descoberta" exhibition curated by Henrique Leitão and Teresa Nobre de Carvalho, and designed by Mariano Piçarra.


{2013} I curated «Dos Céus ao Universo» [From the Skies to the Universe], an exhibition on the history of astrophysics organised at the National Library of Portugal, for the Laboratório de Instrumentação e Partículas - LIP.

{2008-2011} Co-curator of the Historical Collection of Instruments and Didactical Materials of the Zoological Department - Coleção Histórica de Instrumentos e Material de Apoio ao Ensino do Departamento de Zoologia e Antropologia do Museu Nacional de História Natural (Museu Bocage), Universidade de Lisboa. 


{2004-2009} I collaborated with the Natural History Museum (Museus da Universidade de Lisboa) at the Education Office of the Zoological Museum and the Botanical Garden. There I developed an interdisciplinary pedagogical project called

«Arte & Ciência» with Teresa Cardoso. 


{2005-2008} I worked with the production of the International Festival of Amadora of Comics []. and in {2009} I designed, together with Guirlène Saraiva, the "Asterix 50 years" exhibit.


{2007} Worked as a Museum Guide for the Berardo Museum [], and for the exhibit at the Portuguese Parliament.

{2001-2006} I worked as a Museum Guide for the Contemporary Art Centre at the Centro Cultural de Belém [] where I developed activities for various types of audiences at the Design Museum, and many other temporary exhibitions on design, architecture, contemporary art, photography, etc.


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